Though I haven't had much time to blog recently, I wanted to show people a beautiful real-life example of the crushing effectiveness of the Ultimate Catholic Apologetics Argument (UCAA) against Protestants (which
I posted about previously).
A "Reformed Baptist" pastor named Ken at the Protestant apologetics site
Beggars All had a post focused on criticizing Catholics for following "traditions of men" rather than the Bible, which turned out to be highly ironic shortly after I brought up the UCAA in the combox. There's
no need to read the post or most of the comments, but if you're interested just see the last ten comments or so for how effortlessly the UCAA can take down the most committed "Bible Christian" (see
THIS link to take you straight to the last few comments).
The key post is when I responded to Ken saying,
[Pastor Ken said]: None of what you say really carries any weight with me,
since you are right in the sense that that an order of worship is not
laid out word for word, but the general idea is for us to worship God by
Scripture, prayer, singing, teaching, etc. and we can arrange the order
however we want to and that is not a big deal to me.
[Nick's response]: The
main problem I have here is that you haven't actually given any
Scriptural verses that say what the "general idea" is for Christian
Liturgy. The closest thing you've listed is the Lord's Supper, which you
say you only do once a month. I don't even think you've given a verse
that says singing is supposed to be done during liturgy.
As for
your admission that you only celebrated the Lord's Supper once a month,
this is astonishing because either it is part of liturgy or it isn't. If
it is part of liturgy, you have no right to only do it 25% of the time.
This suggests a person can celebrate the Lord's Supper as rarely as
they feel like it, and by extension they can leave out Scripture,
prayer, etc, as often as they feel like it. All this reduces down to a
liturgical relativism, which really isn't liturgy at all, but more and
more a man-made event according to personal taste.
As you can see, Ken was pretty trapped here, because while the Bible does indicate the Eucharist is the essential part of the liturgy, and thus is done "often" (1 Cor 11:26), both Ken and most Evangelicals do
not do this that often. And as I also point out, to compound the dilemma they are in, that line of thinking means there is nothing actually essential to the Christian Liturgy, which is ridiculous, and results in the Protestant being able to leave out anything they want on any given Sunday.
Now, it's important to note that while this massive problem didn't bother Ken nor will it trouble most other Protestants, the fact is it should, and I believe that it eventually will bother them. For now, it's great that some seeds were planted. I strongly believe that if more Catholics would start using the UCAA, I swear that this will be the downfall of Westminster Seminary in a few short years.